Pojdi na vsebino
  • Ljudje sedijo na soncu v kavarni v starem mestnem jedru. V ozadju stare rumene mescanske stavbe. V ospredju ljudje ob kavi.

    Preden odgovorimo na to vprašanje,se moramo vprašati kaj sploh pričakujemo od te kave.
    Od naših pričakovanje je namreč odvisno, kam se bomo usedli oziroma, če se bomo sploh usedli ali pa jo bomo spili kar po poti.

  • 3 cevljarski

    The urban planning vision by the world famous architect Jože Plečnik which made Ljubljana look unique, also preserved its vast green spaces for the future generations. Besides that Plečnik was implementing sustainable solutions at a time when no one had even talked about them yet.

  • museums kids 1

    I know that no matter how meticulously I plan our trips, I have no say over weather. It might be sunny, but we are always prepared for a rainy day. To help you enjoy Ljubljana with your family, come what may, we have prepared a list of our favourite three museums, all conveniently located in the centre of the city. Beware, you’ll end up wanting to visit them no matter the weather.

  • Neimenovana priloga 00073

    Despite living in Ljubljana for nearly twenty years, I only recently found out we have a Railway Museum. Maybe that’s because it’s located away from the city centre and housed in very unassuming buildings. It doesn’t matter, because once we found out, we were ready to explore it. Climb aboard with us and get ready to learn about the railways and trains in Slovenia and beyond.

  • technical museum slovenia

    If you are like me and always try to explore a foreign country on a deeper level, museums are great to do so. Just around 25 kilometers away from Ljubljana, tucked away in a small village of Bistra, Technical Museum of Slovenia can be found. The museum is perfect for a half-day trip from the capital.

  • naslovna

    Travel tips are usually written by adults, even the ones intended for kids. But wouldn’t it be great if there were tips on what to visit from the actual kids? Well, if you are looking for those, we've got you covered for Ljubljana. I've asked my two girls aged 7 and 5 to list their favourite nooks and crannies of their home town.

  • count blagaj 1

    The heavy doors of the mansion were wide open welcoming us to step into … the time capsule. More accurately in the 19th century. The handsome count Rihard Ursini Blagay and his enchanting wife Antonija were waiting to welcome us in their aristocratic but hospitable home.

  • 6 ljubljanica river sup

    What to do in Ljubljana when the weather is very hot? Even though most of the city's main sights are outdoors, there are quite a few options available to enjoy our city while staying cool.

  • kolo naslovna

    When the weather is warm, but not too hot or too cold, it’s just perfect for any outdoor activities. We, in Ljubljana just love our bikes in any season. Why don’t you join us, feel the breeze, burn some calories and see how fun it is to explore our green city on a bicycle?

  • Every time Simon and I travel to a foreign country, we try to visit places, which are off the beaten path and overlooked by most tourists. This way we do not just get to know the visited country on a deeper level, we often enjoy the hidden gems more than places everyone catches on their cameras.

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