Conference facilities Faculty of Administration Max. seating capacity theatre 242 Reception 202 Surface area 450 Conference rooms 12 Hotel Antiq Palace & Spa Number of hotel rooms 20 Max. seating capacity theatre 100 Max. seating capacity classroom 25 Reception 100 Banquet 80 Surface area 106 Conference rooms 3 Kristalna palača, BTC City Max. seating capacity theatre 200 Max. seating capacity classroom 32 Reception 500 Banquet 200 Surface area 470 Conference rooms 3 Ceiling height 3.6 Biotehniška fakulteta Max. seating capacity classroom 300 Conference rooms 13 Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije - GZS Max. seating capacity theatre 150 Max. seating capacity classroom 100 Reception 150 Banquet 40 Surface area 184 Conference rooms 6 Domus Medica Max. seating capacity theatre 260 Max. seating capacity classroom 35 Reception 260 Banquet 200 Surface area 310 Conference rooms 10 Pravna fakulteta Max. seating capacity classroom 330 Reception 250 Conference rooms 10 Fakulteta za družbene vede Max. seating capacity classroom 300 Conference rooms 27 Tehnološki park Ljubljana Max. seating capacity theatre 170 Max. seating capacity classroom 50 Reception 200 Banquet 80 Surface area 273 Conference rooms 3 Pagination Page Back Next 1 ... 4 5 6 7