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This Privacy and Cookie Policy is valid for everyone, in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use of Website www.visitljubljana.com, considered as a user, and the website in its entirety, including its subpages.

A user is considered any legal entity or a natural person visiting the www.visitljubljana.com website (hereinafter referred to as: the User).

A buyer is any legal entity or a natural person, who concludes one of the agreements in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use of Website (hereinafter referred to as: the Buyer).

The User consents to the Privacy and Cookie Policy by using the website. The User agrees to any changes made by continuing the use of the website.

I - Personal information protection

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) respects your privacy and undertakes to use your personal information exclusively for the intended use. Your personal information shall be protected in due diligence in pursuant to the legislation in the field of personal information protection (General Data Regulation Protection (GDPR) - Regulation EU 2016/679 and Personal Data Protection Act – ZVOP-1), Rules on Protection of Personal Data and internal acts of our institute.

1. Controller of Personal Information

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana), Krekov trg 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia is the Controller of Personal Information of the information processed in pursuant to the Rules on Protection of Personal Data.

2. Authorised Person for Personal Information Protection

3. Processor of Personal Information

The contractual Processor of Personal Information of the Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) is the Innovatif d.o.o. Company, Poljanski nasip 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Personal Information Controller and Processor have determined the mutual relationship and the obligations with a written contract.

4. Transmission of Personal Information to Third Parties or to Third Countries

As a controller, the Turizem Ljubljana public institute and its employees shall not transfer personal data to third countries (outside the Member States of the European Economic Area – Member States of the EU and Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) and to international organisations, except for the USA, wherein relations with contracted data processors in the USA have been arranged in accordance with standard contractual clauses (type contracts adopted by the European Commission) and/or binding commercial rules (as adopted by the organisation and approved by supervisory authorities in the EU). For sending out e-newsletters we use the online platform MailChimp, where personal data are stored for sending out such news (name, surname, e-mail, name of company, country). For the implementation of after-sales activities, such as checking satisfaction with purchases made in the online store, we use the services of the Surveymonkey platform. Providers of social networks and online advertising (Google, Facebook, Instagram; YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, etc.).

5. Types of Personal Information and Intention of Use

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) collects and processes personal information according to the consent of individuals and the concluded agreement for the delivery of goods or agreement, or any other method, on the execution of the tourist arrangement.

5.1 Treatment Based on Consent

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) collects and processed personal information of individuals for the intention of forwarding e-newsletter, information on business opportunities and the possibilities of collaboration in the field of business and congress tourism in Ljubljana, and public announcements (press releases), additional material for media and invitations to presentations and events, intended to notify the public on the condition and development of tourism in Ljubljana. The aforementioned notifications are forwarded exclusively via e-mail.

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) collects and processes from the individuals the following personal information: name, surname, e-mail.

For the intention of business communication, the Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) collects and processes the following personal information: name, surname, e-mail, company name and address.

5.2. Treatment Based on Agreement

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) collects and processes personal information according to the concluded agreement for the delivery of goods or agreement, or any other method, on the execution of the tourist arrangement, as determined by the General Business Terms and Conditions.

The personal information, collected accordingly, are necessary for the execution of contractual obligation on the delivery of purchased goods or the implementation of the ordered service within the tourist arrangement offer or the post-sales activities, such as reviewing satisfaction on the purchase. The Ljubljana Tourism public institution executes the post-sales activities via e-mail and shares your personal information to trustworthy third parties, who collaborate in the organisation.

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) collects and processes from the individuals the following personal information:

  • name
  • surname
  • e-mail
  • address
  • post code
  • city
  • country.

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) does not collect numbers or any other information regarding the credit cards, or the buyer forwards via a website. This information is collected solely by the providers of credit card payment.

5.3. Analysis Based on Legal Interest

The Public Institute Ljubljana Tourism (Javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) collects and analyses data of individuals based on legal interest in the following cases:

  • Photo Library: Based on personal information from a form (name, surname, e-mail, purpose of use of the photographs) the Ljubljana Tourism will enable access to the photographs to an individual. The Public Institute Ljubljana Tourism (Javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) shall archive the request data for 3 (three) years due to a possibility of identifying the purposes of use of the forwarded photographs.
  • Requests for Ordering Guided Tours or Other Programmes, available at the following online links Tours and Trips and Incentive Programmes. The Public Institute Ljubljana Tourism (Javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) shall use the information from the submitted request solely for the purposes of preparing an offer. In case of providers being a third party, the Ljubljana Tourism shall forward this information to a third party. The Public Institute Ljubljana Tourism (Javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) shall archive the request data for 3 (three) years.
  • Request for Proposal. The Public Institute Ljubljana Tourism (Javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) shall use the information from the submitted request solely for the purposes of preparing an offer. In case of providers being a third party, the Ljubljana Tourism shall forward this information to a third party. The Public Institute Ljubljana Tourism (Javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) shall archive the general request data for 3 (three) years.

5.4. Video Surveillance

At the institution, we engage in the practice of video surveillance. Through the utilization of video surveillance, we oversee ingress and egress from the premises (in accordance with Article 77 of the Slovenian Personal Data Protection Act). Furthermore, video surveillance is employed to safeguard individuals (including users, employees, and visitors) and the assets of the institution (pursuant to the lawful interest as stipulated by point (f) of Article 6(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)). Recordings are retained for a period of up to 30 days. Our implementation of video surveillance adheres to a protocol that mitigates any substantial impact on data processing. Moreover, it ensures that no extraordinary further processing occurs, such as data transfers to third countries or the prospect of audio intervention during live monitoring sessions. It is essential to note that our video surveillance system facilitates real-time monitoring of events. For comprehensive details regarding the execution of video surveillance, individuals are encouraged to contact the organization via telephone or email. Specific rights of individuals are delineated within this Privacy Policy.

The execution of video surveillance is entrusted to a contractual data processor: Center čebelica Ltd, who conducts video surveillance on our behalf.

5.5. Use of the Smartlook Tool

For the purpose of improving the user experience on our website, we inform users that our website is equipped with the Smartlook tool for a specified period. The Smartlook tool enables us to analyze user interactions on the website, which includes collecting anonymized data on how the website is used. The collected data helps us identify potential issues and improvements that could positively impact your experience. All information gathered is processed in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we ensure that all data is processed in an anonymous manner, without enabling the identification of individuals.

6. Personal Information Protection

The Ljubljana Tourism Public Institute (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) executes all necessary legal, organisational and adequate logistics and technical procedures and measure to guarantee the personal information protection, via their internal acts or their contractual partners by:

  • protecting the facilities, equipment and system software, including the entry-exit units;
  • protecting the applicative software, which is used for information processing;
  • prevents any unauthorised access to the personal information during their transmission, including the transmission using telecommunication means and networks;
  • guarantees an effective method of blocking, disposing, deletion and anonymising personal information;
  • enables the information of the time individual personal information has been used and introduced to the data collection and by whom for the period of storing personal information.

7. Personal Information Storage Deadline

The personal information of an individual, acquired by consent, can be processed and stored until the intention is present or until the cancellation of the individual’s consent.

The personal information of an individual, acquired by an agreement, can be processed and stored 5 (five) years after the fulfilment of contractual obligations of the both parties. The invoices are archived for 10 (ten) years after the year of the invoice in accordance with the legislation form the area of value added tax.

8. Rights of Individual

In accordance with the valid legislation in the field of personal information protection the individual has the right to revoke their consent at all times, request a review, a correction, limitation of the treatment or deletion of their personal information by informing us in written via mail at Javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana, Krekov trg 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia or e-mail at info(at)visitljubljana.si. The aforementioned address can also be used for an individual to submit their complaint regarding the treatment of their personal information.

An individual has the right to submit a complaint regarding their personal information directly to the competent authority, i.e. Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia.

9. Behaviour in Case of Infringement

In case of infringement of the personal information protection the Public Institute of Tourism Ljubljana (javni zavod Turizem Ljubljana) shall perform any internal and external measures (technical, organisational) to protect the rights and interest of an individual, notify the involved persons and notify the competent authority in the Republic of Slovenia.

II - Use of cookies

Cookies are small text files, which are used by websites to enable more efficient user experience.

Pursuant to the legislation the cookies are stored on your device in case, they are necessary for displaying the website. We need your consent for any other type of cookies.

This website uses various types of cookies. Some are used on request by other websites, which appear on your website.

Following cookies are used to guarantee the function of the entire website:

  • Strictly necessary cookies enable a functional website, basic operations, such as website navigation and access to the safe areas of the website. A website does not function properly without these cookies.
  • Cookies for monitoring statistics are the cookies, we need to monitor visits to the website with the purpose of improving the user experience.
  • Advertising Cookies are used for tracking users on the websites. Their purpose is to display ads, which are appropriate and interesting to an individual user.

An accurate description of an individual cookie and the time of their installation is clear from the table below:

Functional cookies

I consent to the website use of tools, including cookies, which ensure full functionality and an appropriate level of security. I understand that without this, the website cannot offer proper functioning, such as website navigation, customization of appearance, and access to specific parts of the website.

Analytics cookies

I consent to the website use of tools, including cookies, which collect anonymized data about website visitors. I understand that without this, website administrators cannot analyze site traffic and usage patterns to improve the user experience on the website.

Marketing cookies

I consent to the website use of tools, including cookies, which transmit anonymized data about website visits to other online services. I understand that without this, website administrators cannot optimize advertising or customize the content of ads displayed to me. I also understand that without this consent, the website cannot offer functionalities that rely on other online services.