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Sveti Miklavž na Gori (St. Nicholas on the Mount) (757 m)

From spring to spring, with the sound of rushing water below you. . .

Did you know that St Nicholas (Sveti Miklavž in Slovene) is the saint with the second largest number of churches dedicated to him in Slovenia? One of them stands on the forested hill of Gora (“The Mount”) above the village of Gradišče in the valley of Tuhinjska Dolina. Rolling countryside extends below it and the Alps can be seen “peeping” from behind the higher hills to the north. One of the most popular routes up Gora is the very well marked easy and pleasant route leading from Terme Snovik, the only thermal spa in the Central Slovenia region. It is therefore probably no surprise that the route passes several springs and that you are almost always accompanied by the sound of trickling or rushing water. A wonderful blend of the natural and cultural landscape, with wide forests, extensive meadows and pleasant villages.


  • Distance 4860m

  • Duration 2:30h

  • Ascent 272m

  • Hight 757m