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Free USE-IT map of Ljubljana is now available. The purpose of the map is to make traveling a different experience by introducing the city from the perspective of locals, young people and those who know the best spots and up-to-date stories.

FOTO USE IT Ljubljana

© Mateja Kregar Gliha

It’s available as a free mobile application. Visitors can also get a hard copy of the map of Ljubljana at Ljubljana TIC, ŠKUC Info Centre, Ljubljana hostels and TOZD bar. The project USE-IT Ljubljana was supported by the City of Ljubljana and Ljubljana Tourism.

The map is not commercial, meaning it doesn’t let shops, museums, restaurants, bars or clubs pay to be in the publication. USE-IT is tourist info for young people, in around 40 cities across Europe. On annual basis, local initiatives publish free maps, most of them have a Facebook page, some have a website, or even run an info desk for young travellers.
For more information visit the official page of USE-IT Europe and USE-IT Ljubljana Facebook page.