2019 Ljubljana congress highlights
12 Feb 2019
The following are some of the biggest meetings taking place in Ljubljana's two congress centres – CD Congress Centre and GR - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, as well as at the GH Union, city's biggest convention hotel.

© Tomo Jeseničnik
© Alja Košar
© Alja Košar
This year's conferences at the CD Congress Centre include the Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM 2019) with approximately 900 delegates, European Society for Vascular Medicine Congress (ESVM 2019) that will bring around 300 participants and 14th European Peritoneal Dialysis meeting (EUROPD 2019) with 400 delegates. At the World Construction Forum 2019 (WCF 2019) in April 500 delegates are expected, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE Agora 2019) and European Society Clinical Pharmacy Symposium 2019 will bring to Ljubljana around 700 delegates together.
The biggest 2019 congress at the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre is the 37th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) in May with around 1500 delegates. Together at the 24th Annual Conference About Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS) and Resuscitation 2019, the CPR congress of Europe around 1000 delegates are expected.
GH Union will host the 8th European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Association - EfCCNa 2019 with approximately 400 delegates. Another important event taking place at this hotel is the European Cities Marketing 2019 conference with approximately 200 guests in early June. ECM is the European Association for Tourist Offices, Convention Bureaux and City Marketing Organisations in Europe.
Several professional and scientific meetings will also be held at different faculties of the University of Ljubljana. Biotechnical faculty will host the AESOP Heads of school meeting; Faculty of mathematics and physics the International conference on formal power series and algebraic combinatorics – FPSAC/SFCA 2019; the Faculty of economics the 17th IAEE European Conference, and the Faculty of Arts the Hidden geographies conference.
Ljubljana congress calendar is regularly updated and published on the www.meetljubljana.com. We invite our partners to inform us about confirmed events in the current year as well as later. The calendar also serves as the basis for the overall number of international association events held in Ljubljana in the previous year.