CD Congress Centre hosted the 36th European Brewery Convention
23 May 2017
Between 14th and 18th May 2017 CD Congress Centre Ljubljana hosted the 36th European Brewery Convention (EBC) with approximately 600 delegates.
© Hiša iluzij
The global beer industry has experienced some kind of revolution recently, gaining both new levels of popularity and technological developments. Slovenia and Ljubljana are no exceptions to this trend! Craft breweries and beer shops have been popping out around every corner in the past couple of years and we have all been able to enjoy new types and tastes of this popular drink.
This year the European Brewing Convention chose Ljubljana as the host city for their 36th European Brewery Convention (EBC). EBC is an organization representing the technical and scientific interests of the brewing sector in Europe. The EBC congress takes place every two years and it has established itself as the main meeting event for the world's brewing, malting and beer fermentation scientists.
2017 marks the EBC's 70th anniversary. Part of this year's social programme in Ljubljana focused on presenting the Slovenian brewing tradition. The local organizing committee offered delegates a tour to the SHIRB, the Slovenian Institute of hop research and brewing, to Laško brewery and to the newest tourist attraction, the first beer Fountain in Žalec. They also visited Ljubljana’s legendary brewery Pivovarna Union, located just a step away from city centre. Setting up of the Brewery Museum at Ljubljana's Union brewery in 1986 was an important contribution to the conservation of the city's technical heritage. The Union Pub is their newest addition that offers a great selection of beers and some fresh culinary treats.
Ljubljana's rich cultural heritage and laid back attitude didn't go unnoticed. Tiago M. Brandão, EBC President commented: „Although Ljubljana is a European capital it has preserved the human touch of smaller towns. It is a place of quaint and wonderful corners with architectural delights worthy of being a host city for the EBC congress. Ljubljana offers a picturesque gateway between central Europe and the Balkans. CD Congress Centre’s conferencing facilities are in direct vicinity of the historical part of Ljubljana. We are happy to say that the chosen venue provided an excellent setting for our technical, technological and scientific lectures and presentations. “
At Ljubljana Tourism Convention Bureau we are proud that our capital was chosen for this occasion. The combination of its great location, rich history and genuine hospitality, and the professionalism and technical support of CD Congress Centre has proven that Ljubljana is the perfect destination for hosting such an event.