NEW: Ljubljana talks about all things MICE on Clubhouse app
14 May 2021
Ljubljana Convention Bureau and Toleranca marketing have launched an online chat on Clubhouse app, which focuses on all meetings industry related topics.

© Bojan Stepančič/ Aleksander Jesenovec
We are pleased to invite you to Ljubljana talks - an online drop-in audio chat focusing on all things MICE available via Clubhouse app.
Jan Oršič, head of Ljubljana Convention Bureau, and Gorazd Čad, CEO of Toleranca Marketing and Editor-in-chief of Kongres Magazine, plan to discuss all the relevant matters related to (local) MICE industry, global (event) marketing trends, social media and creativity with various guests from all walks of business twice a month.
Clubhouse is invite-only but the recording of each session gets later posted to Kongres Magazine Youtube channel.
You can find the first two debates here: Ljubljana talks #1 entitled High tech or high touch? and Ljubljana talks #2 on Moving from creativity to innovation.
Enjoy the listening and we are looking forward to "seeing" you on Clubhouse Ljubljana talks #3 on May, 20th at 17:00 CET with live reporting from the first live tourism trade fair in the post-pandemic times - FITUR Madrid!