Why is Slovenia the perfect holiday destination?
Are you having trouble deciding what you want to do on your holiday? Are you not sure if you want to see the mountains or visit the beach? Explore on foot or by bike? Relax by the lake, or go rafting? To experience all that and more, come to Slovenia!

Due to its small size and incredible diversity, Slovenia is a haven for those wanting to explore many different things in a short amount of time and without long travel distances. Its attractions are both natural and cultural — From magnificent mountains, valleys, rivers and lakes, to authentic villages and picturesque towns.
If you’re a person who likes exploring the country’s culture in the hustle and bustle of the city, spend your week on a longer city break, combining the exploration of the city with day trips to the countryside. That way you can explore all the major attractions of the country, and still enjoy the perks of staying in the city.

Maybe that doesn’t sound exciting enough for you. If you want to get your daily dose of adrenaline, choose from the loads of adventures that are waiting for you outside of the capital. Hiking in the Alps, cycling through the stunning valleys, or exploring surreal caves — There is no shortage of adventure you can find here.
If you’re wondering how will you do all this adventurous stuff with kids, don’t worry, Slovenia is also a wonderful place for families. Each part of the country offers opportunities for families to enjoy their holidays to the fullest. It’s a perfect destination for you and your kids to experience the best of both worlds — The Alps and the Mediterranean, all at a leisurely pace, giving you a chance to relax.
For all you active people who love the outdoors, Slovenia is the perfect choice for you. It is a country of beautiful landscapes, so there is no better way to explore it than by moving outside. The numerous paths and trails offer every sporty person a chance to go walking between valleys and peaks. If your preferred choice of transportation is a bike, cycling along scenic roads and remote trails will give you an experience you will never forget.
This may all sound too intimidating if you’re more of a lover of the fine delicacies of life. Not to worry, Slovenia is also a paradise for all you food & wine lovers. Explore the culinary culture of Slovenia’s 26 gastronomic areas accompanied by the fine wine coming from the 3 large wine-growing regions. And if you are extra fascinated by the wine you will taste, come and take a trip into one of our wine regions.

Whatever you are expecting from your holiday, Slovenia can fulfill that desire. The different ways you can spend your week here are endless. Each time you return, it will be like you're discovering a new land. Exploring a new character out of many stored in one country. That is Slovenia.